That one single act of hers turned out to be a blessing to me. Doors opened up that had been closed before. Invitations to lovely homes and parties were now freely extended. And when I pressed for a reason why this was happening, a couple of very close friends simply stated the truth-- "while you were married, and your wife was around, she continually put a damper on every- thing that was fun for others." People wouldn't invite me because, in my loyalty I would always try and take her along, being too close to the situation to realize that she wasn't wanted.
I still maintain my love-
I am very active in the Arts and Music, and constantly, attending Concerts, Exhibitions, meetings and the like. The demands on my time are many and varied, both professionally and socially. I am rated one of the best engineers in my field. ly home, all eight rooms in spotless condition inside and out, spend much time in the garden and have gorgeous flowers, shrubs, and even tomato plants, which were forbidden when my wife was here. I go to Bible Class every Sunday, visit my neighborhood, help with Community projects, and have friends in freque- ntly for luncheon or dinner which usually I prepare in appropriate dress, shoes, and accessories. Those fri- ends I know well can visit at will, provided they do phone first to be sure I am home (and dressed for the occasion.) I make no bones about the fact I love to wear dresses, and act and dress like a mature, well- adjusted woman who loves her home, and uses every facility at her command for social and personal en- joyment and comfort. I don't force my dressing on the neighbors usually waiting for dark if I am dress- ing at home, to go out for the evening. If the occas- ion calls for an afternoon event, I take my things out of the house in a suitcase and dress bag, and change at the friends home. There is one thing, though---I always come home in the dress I happen to be wearing when the party breaks up. My neighbors are all asleep at 11:00 p.m., and I quietly unload my car and retire, in my baby-dolls or nightie, so as not to be a nuisance. I am sure that sometime, when a neighbor has been up on a night call when I was coming home, they must have wondered about the fashionably dressed lady get-